Synergy SIS Student Course History

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Key topics covered include:

  1. Course History Overview
    1.1. Overview of the Course History Screen Tabs
  2. Managing Course History
    2.1.Adding courses/comments/achievements
    2.2. Adding Transcript requests
    2.3. Adding Waivers
    2.4. Adding Standards/Elementary Report Card History (Pertinent only to certain districts)
  3. Service Learning (OR/CA)
  4. Schools Attended History
    4.1. Overview
    4.2. Managing student records
  5. Student Career Plans
    5.1. Overview
    5.2. Managing Student Career Plans/Skills and Interests/Documents/Post-Secondary Plans
  6. Student CTE Programs
    6.1 Overview
  7. Work Samples
    7.1. Overview and Work Sample Entry (Oregon)
  8. Graduation Requirements
    8.1. Setup Areas
    8.1.1. District/School Course – Subject Areas
    8.1.2.Test Definition (If Applicable)
    8.1.4.Graduation Requirements Definition
    8.1.5.Waivers (If Applicable)
    8.2. Adding Graduation Requirements
    8.3.Applying Requirements to Graduating Classes
    8.3.1.Required Tests/GPA/Service Learning
    8.3.2.Credit Forgiveness
    8.4.Associating Diploma Types to Grad Requirements
    8.4.1.Assigning student diploma types
    8.5. Student Graduation Check Report
    8.5.1. CHS404 – Student Graduation Check/CHS204 – Student Grad. Requirements Profile
    8.5.2.Customizing Format
    8.5.3.Course Display Configuration
    8.5.4.Adding Profile Definitions/Messages
  9. Student Transcripts
    9.1. STU204
    9.2. Customization of the transcript format
    9.3. Course/GPA Display options
    9.4. Graduation Requirement tab
  10. 9.4.1. Option to display graduation progress on transcripts
  11. 9.5. Student Tests Tab (CHS410)
  12. 9.6. Grade Point Options Tab
  13. 9.6.1. Modifying GPA section of the transcript
  14. 9.7. Allowing Withdrawal Records to Display on Transcripts
  15. 9.8. Elementary Transcripts (WA)