Synergy SIS Health

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Key topics covered include:

  1. Health Overview
  2. Conditions and Medications
    2.1. Adding a Health Condition
    2.2. Adding a Medication (HLT206 – Student Medication Summary)
    2.3. Adding a Procedure
  3. Immunizations
    3.1. Entering a Student’s Immunizations
    3.2. Setting Exemptions
    3.3. Exemptions
    3.4. Recording/Deleting Immunization Data records
  4. Health Office (Nurse) Visits
    4.1.Entering a visit for a student
    4.2. Entering Private Health Comments and Documents
    4.3.Entering/Viewing Incidents/Accidents by the Day
    4.3.1.Printing the Health Accident/Incident Report
    4.3.2.Printing a Cover Letter
    4.4. Adding/Viewing Health Incidents for Non-Students
  5. Health screenings
    5.1. Recording Health Screenings
    5.1.1. Vision, hearing, TB, scoliosis, and oral health
    5.2. Recording Health Screenings By Section
  6. Scheduled Medications and Procedures
    6.1. Understanding Health Task Information
    6.1.1. Setting up the Medication and Service Monitor Task
    6.1.2.Completing Entries on the Monitor
    6.2.Administrating Scheduled Medications and Procedures (HLT407 – Medication Task List)
    6.2.1.Recording Medication or Procedure to a student
    6.2.2.Adjusting Medications and Procedures (HLT611 Student Medication Refill)
    6.2.3.Mass updating medication and procedures for a student
    6.2.4. View previously administered medications and procedures – Medication Disbursement Summary by Grade /Ethnic
  7. Healthcare Plans
    7.1. Creating a Healthcare Plan
  8. Student Health Records
    8.1. Viewing a student’s health history